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Routine of the day

Children flourish when they feel secure and confident in their surroundings. At All Saints Nursery we provide a consistent, but flexible, routine into which we fit a wide range of exciting learning opportunities. We plan activities based on each child’s interests and create a balance of free play and more structured opportunities.

Arrival at nursery
You will be welcomed at the door by a member of staff, your child will then be encouraged to self-register by finding their own name and hanging up their coat and bag.

Free-flow play inside/outside

A variety of resources will be available for your child to explore, supported by all members of staff. This is an opportunity for the children to develop their social skills, as they engage in activities that interest and fascinate them whilst learning at their own pace.

We come together to celebrate the morning’s achievements and to sing songs and action rhymes. This is a time when a child can share something they have made or achieved during the morning with their friends.

Small group time

This part of our day is a chance to practise the skills we will need for school, such as listening, turn-taking and speaking in a small group. Whilst promoting children’s confidence and self-esteem activities might include stories, number games or just sharing our news.

A sociable time where children can sit and enjoy a variety of healthy snacks and drinks.

Let’s Get Active

To finish the morning, we offer a varied selection of activities both inside and outside, giving the children access to large and small equipment, ride-on’s, music and movement and ring/team games.

The children will bring in a healthy packed lunch to eat with their friends.


The afternoons follow a similar routine to the morning but may also include additional opportunities for cooking, crafts or woodland walks.