Week Commencing 1st & 8th July

Main Theme  –  Diversity & End of Term                                                                                               Fashion Show – Friday 12th July

Small World Corner & ’Belly Play’ Carpet Using imaginative play & language Understanding the world Vehicle Table Using fine motor skills with co-operative play & language Using imagination to create scenariosHome Corner Imitating everyday experiences in role-play scenarios Communicating through language & actions Collaborative interactions with peers Ice-cream Parlour, Washing Day
Construction Tray  Using fine/gross motor skills & imagination to build, create & assemble Exploring shape, pattern & sizePuzzles Using critical thinking to match shapes & patterns Using fine motor skills & manipulation to assemble & complete peg, inset & table top puzzles Life Cycle Puzzles, Turn-taking GamesUnderstanding the World Experiencing different textures & materials Exploring using descriptive language Finding out about the animals, plants & technology of the world around us Dinosaur World, On Safari
Literacy Table Creative mark-making & early writing Development of tripod grip for control Mark-making Use a comfortable grip with good control when holding pens & pencils Development of tripod gripCraft Activity Creating with different materials Using fine motor & cutting skills Fashion Show Set & T-Shirts Garden & Insects CraftMathematics Tray Exploring numbers, counting & comparisons Understanding shape, pattern & measures (SL-2024) Extend & Create ABAB patterns (notice & correct an error in a repeating pattern)   (SL-2025) Notice patterns & arrange things in patterns (use language for shape, colour & size)
Painting Area Free-painting & mark-making Developing brush control Exploring colour mixingMalleable Materials Table Manipulating materials using hands, tools & equipment Creative model-making PlaydoughBook Corner Handling & exploring story, picture & non-fiction books Listening to, understanding & interacting with stories Developing awareness of rhyme & initial sounds Books/stories about minibeasts

UW  –  Know that there are different countries in the world & talk about the differences they have experienced or seen in photos (SL-2024)  :

Notice differences between people (SL-2025)  Continue developing positive attitudes about the differences between people (SL-2024/25)

Dear parents,

Please see attached our planning for the current two weeks

Curriculum Plans

Our main theme for the next two weeks is diversity as we celebrate everything that makes each of us unique individuals.

We are busy making plans for our end of term Fashion Show. The children are enjoying creating their own T shirts, and we will soon get busy making props for our stage. We are looking forward to a fun filled morning as we celebrate your children’s creativity.

We are continuing to  watch our potatoes and strawberries grow and change. How are yours doing at home ?

Our caterpillars have now arrived and are growing fast.We are looking forward to watching them develop into butterflies and releasing them on a sunny day in the garden

Nut Allergy – Reminder

Please note that nursery is a nut free. Please be careful in particular about bringing in hazelnuts, peanuts and almond nuts or products that contain them in childrens lunch boxes.

If you have any questions about whether an item is suitable or not please ask a member of staff.

Sun protection

Now that the sun is finally shining please do remember to send your child in with a sun hat and apply long lasting sun cream before they arrive at nursery. Both of our gardens are quite shady so the children are not in direct sun for very long each day but we still need to be cautious.

Tuesday 2nd July at 11 am

Leavers Photograph

Fraser photographers will be here to take a Leavers Photograph for all the children who are moving on to Reception this year.

If your child is not normally in nursery on a Tuesday please could you bring them in at 11 am  and stay with them while they have their photograph taken and also a whole group shot.

Thursday 4th July – Nursery Closure

The nursery will be closed  for the General Election. We do understand the inconvenience this causes and apologise once again for having to close on this day.

Friday 12th July 11am

End of Term Fashion Show followed by light refreshments

 The children have been busy  decorating T-shirts ready to take part in our end of term fashion show.

This is always a lovely way to celebrate the children’s creativity and have a really fun end to the summer term.

You are welcome to bring along Grandparents,Aunties and Uncles if you would like to.

 If your child is not normally in on a Friday morning please bring them in to nursery at 10-45.

Childcare Funding

There are lots of changes about to happen in Childcare Funding. This website contains all the information that you need

Childcare Choices | 30 Hours Childcare, Tax-Free Childcare and More | Help with Costs | GOV.UK